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Peruse Bible teachings and church happenings

“The God of Good Mornings”

Categories: Sunday Family Report articles, theology

When Jesus rose from the dead, everything changed. Realities as old as Adam & Eve were suddenly rewritten. Death was defeated by life. Fear was defeated by hope. And darkness was defeated by light. And yet, it seems that God saw fit to announce this universe-altering event to only a very small audience—a few women who misunderstood it at first, and a few men who doubted it at first. And that begs the question: why would God not alert all humanity to the fact that he is bringing life? Why not give the nations an indication that fear has lost to hope? Why not at least signify to part of the world that darkness was defeated?

He did.

The sun rose!

Every time a new morning dawns, God reminds all creation that something new is being done. Every morning, he awakens life, quells fear, and banishes darkness with light!

As he created the world, each level of his life-giving work was announced by the words, “there was morning” (Gen. 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31). When Abraham was called to demonstrate how God would bring us life in Christ, we are told Abraham “rose early in the morning” (Gen. 22:3). When the Psalmist talked about life in God, he said, “Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning” (Psa. 30:5). And when Jesus rose from the dead, even those who were unaware of what God had done were experiencing God’s gift of life as the sun rose.

A sunrise may be an unsensational daily event, but its significance in Jesus’ resurrection remains. The resurrection shows the ultimate manifestation of a daily-demonstrated truth: that God has always had a plan to bring new life with the rising of the Son.

 - Dan Lankford, minister

(originally published April 1, 2018 at