Daily Bible Reading

Daily Bible Reading

Tuesday sermon recap; Do we want to hear truth?

Tuesday sermon recap; Do we want to hear truth?

Paul warned Timothy that one day people would stop listening to the truth and would instead want to have their ears tickled (II Tim. 4:3).  They would want messages that made them feel good and told them that they were right.  Not only would they want this, but they would find many teachers who would accommodate their wishes. 

Are we lovers of truth?  Or have we become what Paul warned about? 

Truth hurts.  It corrects us.  It warns us.  Let us resist the urge to hear what is comfortable and pleasant.  Instead, let us seek the truth that saves and brings us closer to God. 

Did you miss the sermon?  Want to hear it again or share it?  You can find the audio file and the PowerPoint by clicking here.