Peruse Bible teachings and church happenings

Peruse Bible teachings and church happenings

“One Year Later...”

Categories: In the News

It’s now been one year since the terrorist organization Hamas sprang their surprise attack on the civilian population of Israel. In the year since, Israel has continued to fight back against Hamas and other groups that are hostile to them, such as Hezbollah. Like with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022, many across the world were surprised that any modern people group would even consider war, as though it were only an ancient practice for ancient peoples. And yet, both conflicts have continued—Russia against Ukraine for over two years; Israel against terrorism now for a whole year.

What are Christians to make of these conflicts?

Especially as regards Israel’s conflict, many evangelicals have been either very worried or very excited that this war should be alerting us to the coming of a great tribulation and Christ’s return. On the Sundays immediately following Hamas’ attack last year, countless churchgoers heard dozens of Bible passages misapplied as preachers purported them to be warnings that armageddon is imminent. And yet, here we are, one year later, still watching the conflict ebb and surge, escalate and de-escalate. And so what are we to make of these events and the teachings? Is the end of the world coming soon? Is it even tied to the nation of Israel?

It probably doesn’t surprise most of my readers that I don’t see a reason to believe the end of the world is more likely now than any other day. Our Lord will return like a thief in the night, with no warning, and we should be ready for him all the time (see 1 Ths. 5:2). But, I think that perhaps it’s worth us revisiting these ideas and considering the relevant Bible teachings that can help us know the truth. So, if the Lord wills, that’s what we’ll talk about this coming Sunday morning: How exactly does Israel factor into the grand plan of God’s saving his people? How should we think about the conflict from this side of the world? And what comfort do we have from God for the whole situation? See you on Sunday morning!

- Dan Lankford, minister