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Serve God Without Excuses
Sunday, January 19, 2025When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 3-4), Moses was understandably nervous to answer the great calling. But his understandable nervousness turned into unfaithful excuses. Four times in the conversation at the burning bush, he gave God reasons why he didn’t think he was the one for this task (and the fifth time, he simply said, “Please send someone else.”). His fearfulness had turned into disrespect. What may have started as humility had become cowardice. It’s no wonder that by Exodus 4:14, God was getting angry with Moses.
We often do the same thing with God’s commandments. We do not have the chance to argue verbally with him, but we go back and forth in our minds, rationalizing whether we will obey or make excuses for disobeying.
- God says: “Give to those who are in need.” We respond: “But I don’t have enough, and they wouldn’t appreciate it properly anyway.”
- God says: “Teach the lost about salvation thru my son.” We respond: “But evangelism isn’t my gift, and I don’t even know any non-Christians.”
- God says: “Keep far away from sexual immorality.” We respond: “But I have needs that aren’t being met,” or “How will I find my soulmate if I don’t…?”
- God says: “Don’t be greedy for money.” We respond: “I’m not being greedy; I just need enough money to give me security and joy in life.”
Our excuses do nothing to change what God has commanded; they only serve to anger our Father when we behave as disobedient children. We must have humble hearts to simply trust and obey—to do what God asks of us and make no excuses. Moses eventually obeyed God’s commands. Let’s strive to be more compliant than he was.
- Dan Lankford, minister
Repentance Before Resolutions
Wednesday, January 01, 2025New Year’s resolutions are typically about making improvements in our lives: correcting some of more benign bad habits and improving upon the lifestyle habits that we already have. We start from a belief that we’re doing okay as things are, and we just want to make some improvements. And for spiritual people, it’s the same: we tend to start from a position a belief that we’re doing pretty well on December 31, and we just want to make some improvements on January 1.
But maybe for some of us, the New Year ought to be a time to take a good, hard look into our lives and fully repent of some sins. That’s not exactly on par with making small improvements. That’s a matter of faithfulness and obedience to God.
Repentance is what the apostles often called for in their letters to our first-century brothers and sisters. When Paul called out the many sinful habits in the Corinthian church, it was not just to make them sad, but to make them actually change their behaviors. When John confronted the churches in Asia Minor, he said simply and forcefully, “Repent.” And when Peter talked about why God’s final judgment hadn’t come yet, he said that it was because God was patiently giving all people the chance to repent.
And, perhaps more important than any of those was the first message that our Lord himself preached: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Mt. 4:17)
- Have you habitually sinned against your family—against your spouse, your parents, or your kids? Then make 2025 a time to repent of it and change it.
- How about against your employer? Then make 2025 a time to repent of it and change it.
- How about against your church family? Then make 2025 a time to repent of it and change it.
- How about against those outside of Christ? Then make 2025 a time to repent of it and change it.
- And how about against God himself , most of all (cf. Psa. 51:4)? Then make 2025 a time to repent of it, confess it, and change it.
Will that be difficult? Yes. If we’re honest about our lives, or if we take it a step further and allow someone else to give an honest assessment of our lives… we’ll hear things that are difficult to hear. And so the question is not so much about what can I improve for this year as it is about what I must fix this year. Am I willing to do the hard work of self-examination, confession, and repentance so that I can serve God truly?
- Dan Lankford, minister
The Only Way To Be Someone
Wednesday, November 20, 2024The initial tweet: “Jesus calls us to *be* different people, not just to *do* different things.” The response: “And yet, sometimes the only way to be someone is to do something.”
As a Bible teacher, I have often spoken about the importance of being transformed people, of having hearts and minds that are changed to our very core, and of fully being Christians—not just doing Christian things. And I don’t regret any of that, because it’s all Biblically accurate. But I find, as I look across the landscape of Christian teaching, that sometimes, I and others have taught strongly on the concepts of being, and perhaps too weakly on the ideas of doing. As the Twitter conversation above says, “Sometimes, the only way to be someone is to do something.”
The reality is that God calls his people to do a lot, and the great test of our faith is not always whether we mentally or emotionally approve of them and really “open our hearts to his truth.” The test comes down to whether or not we actually do what he’s told us to do. The lives of Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, David, Samuel, and Daniel were characterized by the things they did or did not do when they followed God’s instructions. And our lives ought to be the same.
So, do we simply do what God calls us to do? Do we behave as husbands and wives like God has told us to? Do we control our words and give thanks to him always? Do we give to the poor? Do we pray? Do we refrain from gluttony and drunkenness as he has said we must? Do we turn our eyes from things that tempt us, including envy, lust, and greed? Do we control our anger? Do we forgive others who have repented toward us? Do we attend assemblies with his people to worship him and edify others?
All of those questions are based on verbs—action words. And they just compel us to ask whether we have the faith to do what God has called us to do.
“But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” (Jas. 2:18)
- Dan Lankford, minister
The Good Warfare
Sunday, November 10, 2024“This charge I entrust to you, Timothy, my child… that you may wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience.” (1 Tim. 1:18-19a)
“…though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ…” (1 Cor. 10:3-5)
From time immemorial to today, a war rages between the spiritual forces of darkness and God’s power of good in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:10-12ff). Though unseen, this war touches Earth and affects the rising and falling of humanity through cycles of good and evil. The territory being fought over is each human heart, and while the final victor of eternity is already decided, our task remains to fight off the dark forces’ power within ourselves and everyone we know.
The Holy Spirit describes Christians as soldiers in that great war. And yet, it tells us that the weapons of our warfare are not swords, guns, or war machines. Nor are they organizations, political structures, or educational systems. No, our weapons are simple and powerful: hearts and minds that are truly transformed—completely renewed by the powerful truth from God. That is an arsenal unto itself, and if we have the humility and dedication to let God’s word do its work in us, we will find that though we face many conflicts with the enemy (see The Book of Acts for evidence), through the power of God it will be ours to overcome every opinion that thinks itself so lofty as to deny the truth about Christ. And, in the final assessment of all things, we will have served the great victor of eternity: Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega.
- Dan Lankford, minister
Perfection Or Honesty?
Wednesday, November 06, 2024Which do you value more: perfection or honesty?
Which type of person would you rather have a relationship with: the one who never makes a mistake and never needs help from you, or the one who is willing to trust you and ask you to be there for them? Which type of friend would you rather have: One who will tell you the truth even when it’s difficult and messy, or one who will bend the truth to keep up good appearances and niceness? Which type of family would you rather be part of: One in which you can confess that you were wrong and hear someone sincerely say, “I forgive you,” or one in which your imperfections and failures are held in perpetuity as indicators that your character is flawed?
This simple dichotomy is one of the ongoing challenges that Christians face. Obviously, perfection is the goal and the calling (cf. Jas. 1:4), but that perfection depends on the ability to be honest, because all have sinned and fallen so far short of perfection (cf. Rom. 3:23). After all, what is the concept of confession but honestly confronting our sin and calling it what it really is? Perfection is not a pretense of no sin having ever existed in our past; it’s the acceptance of God’s grace that forgives the sins of the past. We can’t make ourselves unstained, but we can accept the stain-removing power of Christ in us. It’s not that we hide our sins and even our temptations; it’s that we confront them, repent of them, and turn to God to accept grace that overcomes them.
Obviously, we want to pursue both attributes in our own lives. We’re supposed to be perfect in our love for God, and we’re supposed to be honest about our failures. We’re supposed to be perfect in faithfulness to God, and we’re supposed to be honest that some temptations pull really hard on our hearts. We’re supposed to be perfect in the way we relate to our family and friends and neighbors, and we’re supposed to be honest when we sin against them so that we can repent of it and be forgiven.
Ultimately, we must learn to value both things, as they work in tandem to make us better. We must be people who value honesty even when it reveals unpleasant truth, and we must be people who strive for perfect faithfulness to God. May God help us achieve both.
- Dan Lankford, minister
Zeal. Passion. Eagerness. Drive.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024“Now also finish the task, so that just as there was an eager desire, there may also be a completion…” (2 Cor. 8:11)
Zeal. Passion. Enthusiasm. Fire. Excitement. Drive. Eagerness.
Those words communicate the Christian mentality to all that is truly virtuous. They don’t necessarily mean that a person has a vibrant, outgoing personality. They do mean that when we observe behaviors like Bible study, prayer, church participation, generosity, moral purity, and teaching the lost about Christ… a person with “eager desire” will show ample evidence that those things matter to them.
I hope that each of us could say honestly and humbly that our lives demonstrate eagerness and zeal for the things of God. I hope that our preparedness and participation in Bible studies demonstrates that our zeal for those things overshadows our fear of what others will think of us because of our comments. I hope that our eagerness to bless others by hospitality outshines our concerns about messing up or looking silly in some way. I hope that our drive to help others by leading them in true worship eclipses our fears of being thought of in a negative light. I hope that our eagerness to participate in good works of the church compels us to be quick to sign up for all sorts of things when opportunities present themselves.
Holding back our enthusiasm for the things of God may be wise on a few rare occasions, but those occasions are just that: rare and few. Overall, saints are supposed to be people whose lives are defined by a fire that burns more and more brightly as time goes on. And that’s an act of will—a thing that we must decide. So are you deciding to live out genuine zeal for the things of God? If not, then it’s time to make some changes, so that where we have set our minds to becoming great Christians, we may finish what we have started and fully become who Christ calls us to be!
- Dan Lankford, minister
Excuses for Lackluster Service
Wednesday, August 07, 2024When God called Moses into his service, he made several excuses for why he couldn’t (or didn’t think that he should have to) serve as he’d been called. Each time that Moses made an excuse, God answered it with a clear and simple statement that showed just how flimsy it actually was. Ultimately, God persisted in calling Moses and Moses did answer the call to be the chosen deliverer of God’s people.
We often make excuses (sometimes ongoing ones) for why we can’t (or don’t think that we should have to) serve God as we’ve been called. We sometimes believe that the qualities of true disciples won’t work in the modern world, that we don’t have enough ability to do what God’s asked of us, or that we shouldn’t have to do as we’re called to do because people will reject our efforts. But again and again, the Bible answers our excuses with clear and simple statements that show us just how flimsy they actually are.
Let’s just stop ourselves from making excuses for lackluster service to God. Let’s just decide that in whatever ways he calls us into his service, we will humbly and joyfully serve him. Always.
- Dan Lankford, minister
Mountaintop Experiences
Sunday, July 21, 2024There are some really exciting events and moments in the life of a Christian. Especially in the lives of young Christians, camp or vacation Bible school can bring so much joy into our times of learning and worshiping God. Bible-related activities, building new relationships, creative teaching techniques, excited singing, bonding experiences, and a general increase of spiritual thinking all come together to renew our sense of dedication and excitement about spiritual things. We walk away from events like those on a spiritual high, thinking things like, “I had forgotten how good we have it as Christians!” Or, “I wish we could have things like this more often! They do so much good for my Christian walk!”
These peaks of spirituality are a healthy thing, and we should thank God for them when they come. While there may be an impulse among some believers to equalize (or suppress) our levels of emotion in all spiritual things, I don’t see any Biblical reason to do so. If camp or VBS or some other spiritual experience is done righteously and it’s exciting, let it be so. In fact, I hope that’s what happens for all of you who are going to camp this week—I hope that it rejuvenates you!
Let’s also remember to wise about those emotional moments in life. And here’s just one consideration in that regard:
Often, when we experience a spiritual high, we think “This is how Christianity is supposed to feel.” And so for that reason, we double our efforts in spiritual pursuits like Bible study and prayer and we expect to keep experiencing the same highs because it’s supposed to feel a certain way.
We need to be careful of striving for how Christianity is supposed to feel. God talks surprisingly little about that. Instead, he talks much more about who we should be and what we should do as Christians (see Eph. 2:10). Doing spiritual things with the goal of experiencing a feeling is what we would usually call emotionalism, and that’s not God’s intention for us.
Consider Jeremiah’s example: he may not have experienced a single day of these emotional highs, and yet he pleased God. We need not fall into thinking that we need those emotional highs in order to keep our efforts as Christians up to their full potential. We should be serving God at full capacity no matter what. And we need to not allow ourselves to become discouraged because somehow our Christian experience doesn’t feel just right. The goal of spirituality is not emotions; it’s faithfulness. So let’s enjoy the mountaintop experiences when God gives us to them, and let’s also be committed to living a life that pleases God in all places and times.
- Dan Lankford, minister
Living Life Skillfully
Monday, June 10, 2024“Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.”
That bit of wisdom, attributed to Sir Francis Bacon, is engraved in the marble on the walls in the Library of Congress. It’s a reminder of the wholeness of someone who wants to live life skillfully. It’s good wisdom for anyone, and especially for Christians, who want to live life skillfully according to God’s wisdom for all cultures and times.
Reading is an important spiritual discipline for the child of God. When we allow it, God’s word will saturate our minds with divine truth, love, and wisdom. It gives us the vision to see the world, ourselves, and others as we truly are. It lets us hear from God himself.
Conversation—what Bacon calls “conference”—is also an important spiritual discipline. It’s in conversations that we practice articulating the truths of The Faith so that we become more prepared to “make a defense to anyone who asks” about the hope that gives us purpose (1 Pt. 3:15).
And when it comes to communicating doctrine correctly, I find that writing helps me achieve clarity more than anything else. Writing encourages us to choose words that are just right for the occasion, for the audience, and for the subject matter. With a subject matter as important as the Gospel, shouldn’t we want to communicate it with accuracy and care?
The skill with which we walk thru life will be greatly enhanced by these three disciplines. These are elements of how many of God’s faithful ones have lived with wisdom for millennia. Let’s learn from their wisdom and from God’s to do the same things today.
- Dan Lankford, minister
Their Faith Was REAL... Ours Better Be Too
Tuesday, April 23, 2024In this week’s daily Bible reading through 1st Thessalonians, we’ve seen an apostle’s description of what conversion really looks like. It shows us the remarkable power that plain Gospel teaching has—that through it, Christ will completely transform people’s lives and lead them out of darkness and into the light of a life lived for God.
Here’s what God saw from our brothers in Thessalonica as the process of their becoming our brothers.
- “We know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction.”
- “…you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.”
- “…you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia (northern Greece) and Achaia (southern Greece). The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere!”
- “…you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven…”
- “You know, brothers and sisters, that our visit to you was not without results.”
- “…when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is — the word of God! — which is indeed at work in you who believe.”
The change that they went through wasn’t small, and it couldn’t have been easy, especially since they were all essentially first-generation Christians. And yet, it was this group that Paul, Silas, and Timothy wrote to with such affectionate and admiring words. Were they the perfected picture of mature, long-term Christianity and deep knowledge? No. But their faith was real, and that is what really matters to God.
Whether we’re new Christians or we’ve been around the faith for our whole lives, we must live, talk, and think in such a way that the same things could be said to commend us: that we too live out an example of active, life-changing, joyful, humble, Biblical, real faith.
- Dan Lankford, minister